Monday, September 21, 2009

Give him a break

I neglected my blogger again, I got some pictures but blogger is
being a bitch. I din attend lessons today, I'm feeling like a log now
after a restless night with babyhua figuring out how to download
songs to Itouch, -.- . Well, I hope he can get a good rest for now.
A good trick to remove stress away, far far away from those problems.
All I could say is, sorry dear I've done my part. I'm always here with you
okay. Great, now I need a rest too. Bye,for now.


  1. Passby agn!:) Hope to see oyu in school alrights! Long time no see and chat liao! :)

  2. my lil' dearest.
    how's life? (:
    i miss you sooo much!
    Meet up soon ok? (:
    & Link me uh,

    Luvs ya!



29/04/08 ♥

29/04/08 ♥
As I continue my journey, I would want to complete it with you.

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